New version 2, now called Virtual World Starter!
If you have already purchased this software, you will continue to have access to download it, for help, and bugfixes as the viewer changes, this includes a free upgrade to the new version 2 (albeit with a name change, and many new features ;-)
Note: Because of legal issues (branding) with the virtual world company that this software was for use with, I removed it from sale. I have removed as many text and image references as possible that could be in their wanted or registered trademark list. The two letter abbreviation will be a bit more tricky.
I have made a good faith attempt to comply with the dramatically and suddenly changed rules.
With SL Starter, one shortcut will load any of the client viewers, starting with any of your avatars.
On top of uncluttering your desktop, it gives you the ability to have a variety of configurations of the viewers at your fingertips, and can launch multiple viewers at the same time.
If all you have is one avatar, and never venture into this world's beta grid, you would be one of the few who may not need SL Starter.
If however, like most residents of the Second Life virtual world, you have more than one avatar and like to test new features of the beta grid, you will find this program very useful.
Update - Version 1.1.2/1.1.2762: Fixed a small bug in Windows reading of XML files. If you had no problems before, there is no need to update.
Version 1.1: Fixed a crash if the viewer does not exist.
Added support for "Nicholaz viewer" (Old School, Bleeding Edge: BE-q or greater, or any more recent version).
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP & .Net 2, or Windows Vista.
Buy a license in world at A2NZ (Ufeus 50,55,30). The product code will be delivered to you. Please upgrade using the upgrade pack that was sent to you, or visit the site for the new version 2 "Virtual World Starter".
How to use it:
Run SL Starter, choose your avatar, choose your viewer and press "Start SL". Tick "Allow a 2nd/3rd viewer" if you need to log more than one avatar at the same time.
Note: If there is an optional update for Second Life, which you have not installed, a screen might pop up with "Login failed: Optional version ..." (this bug in the viewer seems to be fixed). If this happens then press "Close" and then "Connect", this will then log you in using the viewer and avatar that you had selected.
Note 2: If there is a required update for Second Life, which you have not installed or anything that needs to be manually agreed to (eg First log in, Change of TOS, etc), which you have not already installed/agreed to, a screen may pop up with "Login failed: Required version ...", or it may just exit (it depends on what Linden Lab have done with that particular client).
If it exits without warning try logging in with a normal shortcut to see what the problem is. Unfortunately the client does not always exit gracefully, or give a reasonable (or any) reason for exiting.
Abyssin Otoro
If you have any questions, contact me in Second Life.